

December 22, 2009
& Charlie Woram &....

These words are less a timely linear progression... acknowledging our acquired "taught" perceptual inconsistencies.

* Time is an artificial contrivance. Human beings singular non- material insinuation.  We are therefore out of sync with the timeless Cosmos our residence. The  implications abound. 

* The Universe, Professor Einstein offers, is non-linear. The material experience on the planet earth is linear. Meaning a primary juncture redeemed or denied by a secondary  event juncture. This earthly schism is realized through time. Linearity is also defined as “a disturbance between to points.”

Material linearly realized through time explains our dysfunctional existence, life sustained through material disintegration, the presumption amongst humans of death. (All material events realized through human effort eventually culminate as a valueless-disposable juncture). A condition exaggerated through technology.                                             

The Universe is timeless. Infinities sympathetic continuity suggests as much. Meaning that time is a function of a casual linear displacement process (there must be a sequential “measurable” separation “displacement” linearly  for functional time to be feasible)…this displacing  effect invalidates the infinite “inescapable” continuity of the Cosmos. Through the linear material application of  incongruous time  we alter “our“ environment. (Time and material on this planet have become conjoined). The time material interchange based on the insinuation of time explains-limits our acquired lives. The Super String theory observes, “Time is the only non-material in the Universe.” One abiding protocol defines our exclusionary lives. Everything that begins ends. (While ending). Through the casual application of “our” vagrant protocol we separate ourselves ironically from infinite un bordered Cosmic origin- source. Again everything materially altered in time culminates as a non-utilitarian disposable juncture...material cessation  Including the death, material dislocation of the human body from itself. (On the planet earth amongst humans...death applauds we bow). Currently the five major industries on this planet deal with death as a dematerializing chaotic end point. And profit motive.

Without linearly altering in time the material world our current existence is not plausible. (Cause and effect based on diminished duration). Through our accepted practice of time casual displacement we ironically- alter our material world. And live a conflicted contrast of our Universe essence. Our resident neighborhood.  Human life is witnessed and affected through intentional dematerializing “altering through time dislocation” a reflection of our attempt to sustain our linear adaptation in time. We live aimlessly attempting to transcend linear displacement in a Universe that is neither linear nor timely imbued. We can only validate our existence by denying it. The essence of progress is invalidation. Meaning what was esteemed in knowledge, science or technology  is valuated-redeemed as eventually dismissed. Cause and effect eventually realized as cause and defected. Appreciating that in the absence of time infinity becomes functional. Though the human experience will always be a consequence of  accommodated separation, the separation need not be essentially devaluated through effect. Meaning an uncertain dematerialized component need not be essential to all human endeavor. Success need not be inevitably defined through failure. A valueless loss of material purpose is not essential to material integrity. And most particularly the material irony suggested in non-directional cessation need not be integral to technology. Machine, deficiency and depletion is not elemental to design and utility. A computer can be non-linear. Meaning the computers effect does not have  based on information derived through preferential exclusion. Accepting that the Universe is infinitely continuous, not based on purposeless dislocation-all information is relevant and revealing. Separation need not be denied by the separation itself.

How do we casually and ironically displace or separate ourselves from the infinite inclusive materiality? Our acquired linear temporal culture experienced through incremental language, linear mathematics, institutions, assigned preconceived intelligence. And our abiding investment in death of all material forms as a valueless non-directional material event. This life process is experienced as conflict, randomness, inconsistency, irony, and death cessation.  The aforementioned displacements if not in the immediate then potentially so. Time is our earthly contrived disposition. A designed artificiality. Within this chosen schematic we live in opposition to ourselves. The pain and danger in our lives resolved through death suggests as much. This human adaptation denies our Cosmic origin. Which is one of un interrupted continuity-sympathetic assimilation ….refining  continuity not dematerializing futility.           

The Cosmos is a boundless refining function. Space refining as  material space not in spite of material space. As suggested earth linearity is evidenced when one point is materially altered or negated through casual separation … functionally leading to another material point. Time and linearity are formulations through which we measure our existence. Currently measurement assimilation is essential to our experience. We are born to die while dying. Our contrived disposition we impose on the environment and is reflected- exaggerated through our knowledge and technology. The Cosmos is not evidenced as a displacing-linear process, but as presence.  (Ever presence). Not as our ironic sequential, but as spontaneity. Appreciating that what is sequential process (a fragmenting series of separations however valued through alteration) denies or distorts the essential nature of the Universe that is an uninterrupted continuity therefore spontaneously infinite.  Noting that “the “Light” the material of infinity  is un bordered, all-inclusive therefore without the fragmenting process of separation consequently spontaneous accordingly infinite. Similarly the presumed sound of silence is compatible with infinity. (Our daily discourse influenced by immeasurable failure evidences a dematerializing adaptation witnessed by conflicted lives ending in a dysfunctional death is not reflective of our Cosmic origin, but rather the result of our fundamentally erroneously applied perceptions).A question unfolds. The Universe is Eternally continuous why aren’t we? 

Self-displacing choice, collective and individual, creates our causal self-opposing material reality. Our ironic disposable material time interchange is an acquired disposition based on instruction. Time is functional as diminishing. Material form experienced through time is similarly extinguishing. Depletion defines intent. We alter the environment accordingly. Life’s futile redundancy. We spend our lives rethinking, researching, reinventing, redefining, remarrying, revaluating and relocating (the simplest question abides… if the Universe is one location how can we relocate). We do so by exchanging-altering the material to a non-material disposition. The consequential for the inconsequential. Example life for death.) Given this diminishing irony ( sustained through functional exclusion -often as suffering) defines the earth peoples chosen existence…. One question flourishes. Can the spontaneous un interrupted Cosmos be conjoined materially with our displacing-altered culture presently expressed and exaggerated through the current technology. And exclusionary economies and religions. A reflection of the ironic self. As suggested if we are not actively endangered, lost, afraid, deceived or deprived of self-we are so inevitably through disposition. If we are not suffering we anticipate suffering.  Our choices are historically witnessed, culturally determinate and institutionally reinforced. Whispering again: We are legitimate and self-tolerant through an ideal of progress that is based on invalidating previous accomplishment once deemed life essential and ideal. Yet even amidst these burdens we love well. Desire better for our children.  And our earnest plans for the future are beautiful and kind. Acknowledging we cannot chose what they are unaware of.   

Interestingly one material process we do not appear to linearly alter, casually interpret in order to assimilate on this planet is music. Assimilating  music requires no altering-educated response. Unlike the world we have created. (Music is its own response). Therefore music is non-casual, not displacing of its own intrinsic nature. Music is suggestive or reflective of timelessness…. Understanding that linearly experienced form determined through time, particularly when interactive through our ironic choices negates-alters or displaces the Light, the Cosmic essence. Conceivably through idealized subjective silence (DNAsound) all form can be spontaneously assumed with infinite non- casual Cosmos. Conceivably resolving   interactive material  irony, randomness, de materializing (displacements) to a beneficent  affluence suggestive of our Cosmos origin. Understanding and consequently applying the material essence of the infinite Cosmos is difficult given that the process through which we would do this (language-mathematics- ourselves experienced are linear time relevant)…invalidates the effort.  A functional appreciation of memory will allow us clearer insight on how to give bearing to non-casual…non-linear timelessness in our exclusionary displacing timely imbued world. And how to functionally apply infinity to our reality that exists through its de materializing negation. Interestingly memory is not entirely unlike music, silence and the Light…. In timelessness the memory of the event in all its potential functions are one and the same (until subjectively effected) because there is no cause and effect in timelessness. There is no separation, randomness, no inconsistency, no displacement inby infinity. Material form is not separated less its separation.   Time is a spontaneous event. Meaning until assimilated everywhere-always at once. Spontaneity therefore does not allow for material linear dislocation through time. Our capacity to sustain, express and presumably solicit memory suggests human beings are compatible with non linear spontaneous events. Indeed the human body is non linear. Also inherent in memory and likely other spontaneous dispositions' is a capacity to resolve lime and linear irony. Example: If a person attends a high school reunion after thrifty years memory will be able to adjust for the time age changes in a persons face-allowing recognition. If a third of a persons face is seen memory will “turn the linear corner” and complete the image. Presently intelligence is linear as is perception understandably everything accordingly derivative like technology and the kno9wledge base is substantively linear. Similarity expressible. Not inefficiently expressible, but expressible as inefficient. Success is temporary. Failure is intrinsic to process and inevitable as part of the life continuity. Not referencing though related and inferring the disposable cumulative juncture of all human material interaction.

If  the material infinite were functionally linear through insinuated time the infinite Universe would be fragmented against itself; the Universe would be imperceptibly chaotic, its material purpose would be its own negation. Assuming the memory and the event are one and the same. (potential and event are inter changeable consistently). The life activity condition already exists. The subjective nature of the  activity does not. (All condition events, conjectures, material had to predate the materializing of the planet earth or they could not be experienced )...birth, death,  cancer,  ideation, mountains, rivers, humming birds and romance…. But our organic nature, one also of interactive form, is not compatible with the un bordered nature of the Light or infinity…therefore we must introduce ourselves while acknowledging the relevant irony of our limitations. (ie) Whether the activity is chosen. Adequately designed and prepared. Will the effort be competent and not influenced by mischief…. Will the activity be in accordance with the  timeless-non linear directive of the Universe (that appears to be within our potential) or will the effort be materialized in the casual opposition of our Cosmically displaced self. Which is the current limited adaptation. Even spontaneous events like memory are experienced through our contrived temporal limitations. Straining further the credibility of time. Memory is limited to the inactive past. There is no memory of the future until it is humanized to the past. Memories can be shared, but only linearly in time not as the spontaneous memory event itself. Though such events are inferred imperfectly as intuition, precognition, luck, coincidence. Life and death themselves. If life could be experienced as its own memory....We are God’s memory of ourselves. Through linear time all is relevant to its own absence, abstention and negation. Even death is distorted as killing. The thought. “there is no God.” The response, “How can you deny what you just identified.” But like all else our God fraternal disposition, our Godsoulprint is relevant as denied. We deny a preferential God through exclusionary worship.

One observation if I may some individuals are distracted by  any perceived material reality that does not sustain the immediate…. Relevant to the ideal of observation meaning logic, comprehending the near totality of self.  New conceptions secured in spite of  our exclusionary legitimacy developed through a designed inconsistency of language while devalued by institutional-interpersonal irony seemingly approaches impossibility. This entire formulation is supposed to be revealed through  a  life ideal  that is secured through the eventual dispossession of the accomplishment. Success is temporary- consensually devise).Our potential is based on our invalidation). An idea  experienced in time can only be ideally relevant through the denial or casual displacement of the same…as insight, methodology and result. But we are  discussing a different material orientation that is not time imbued and non-linear (ie)) spontaneous in nature. The current human whose linear dislocation of self is acquired would not be a determinant as denied. Denial or failure becomes more an issue of happenstance than disposition...inherited-adaptive inclination

A beginning

Allowing the esoteric.  The inference in linear science accommodates the aforementioned logic?

…. A geneticist at MIT apparently for his own amusement in 1987 took the DNA code of a fish and placed this design unto a standard musical scale. The result. Melody of a fish. The same approach a leaf. The result. Melody of a leaf. Next this Asian gentleman too the DNA code of a cancer. Eventually played it backwards. Result…. Mozart’s Funeral Requiem. Interestingly these sound events were examined and experienced linearly. Music or melody might suggest the cause of its own effect, but it does have an initiate and end point and is linearly experienced. Though this is not necessarily essential.

…. More conventionally the Super String Theory which some believe will unify all the field forces on this planet into one applicable theory…GUT the Grand Unified Theory. This research offers (1). The one non-material in the Universe is time. (2). There are up to 29 dimensions one spoken of as magical in nature. (3). Below the subatomic is a world of sound. (Other studies reinforce). Noting if all sounds assumed in a factory over weeks were to be experienced in one compact moment a grievous death would ensue. The opposite result is suggested relevant to harmonic sounds experienced under idealized conditions that speak to other than linearly chaotic casual displacement the explains our lives. In substance or anticipation.

…. Another source, a book The Science of life, written by a conventionally educated biologist at Harvard and Cambridge. This gentleman‘s offering, “There exists a field that functions irrespective of time and space that has its own acquiring memory.” This protocol suggests the non-casual timelessness of the Lioght. Which touches our lives in spite of our linear resistance. Evidence of this presence, realizations or influences that are not machine or human derivative, will follow in a few paragraphs. (ie) This concept has been corroborated by numerous other efforts. In one such study the author of the aforementioned text taught alleged rats numerous behaviors in America. Different alleged rats learned the same behaviors ten times faster in Australia. Again irrespective of time and space. A field with its own acquiring memory. (Are luck n’ coincidence elements of the humans acquiring memory). The term alleged is a personnel courtesy. Humans are species conversant. We can’t possibly have an interactively kindred knowledge that allows us a near absolute knowledge of the tree, stars, dogs hence alleged.

…Note we are departing from linear science based on measurable dislocation. “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.” Is a linearly displacing effect? The nice Professor Einstein volunteered, “At the speed of light there is no passage of time.”(Clearly in the absence of time the light becomes manifest. Definitive and uninterrupted.).  Speed is displacement or dislocation reflective of man’s conditioned nature which is one of constant displacement-relocation. Measured and revealed through time irony. Accordingly perceived accordingly expressed. But if we need think in terms of speed, uninterrupted presence, an ideal of speed (ie) everywhere at once. This status, compatible with infinity, is simply altered to reflect man’s irony based on Cosmic perceptual preferences that are reflective of their own organic ironic status, which is one of  displacing form. Currently  reflective of earth technology.              

A material bond a casually sympathetic… not a condition event that is dematerializing-relevant as uncertain.... A spontaneous assimilation.  

*Noting all in the Universe whatever its material nature is unique motion… that defines its own material nature as motion energy, this motion create sounds that are unique to particular motion interactive or otherwise.(This activity disposition also includes that status condition of a deceased individual an activity currently witnessed as linearly time insinuated decay. We can assume that if death is not the valueless cessation of material form then the activity conditions that gradually lead to death are otherwise than experienced specifically disease and aging. And to a compelling degree life itself since life's essence, life's choices are tempered by the imminent inevitably of death. The same is true of all our material interactions, perceptions. This new perspective considers sounds that are either reflective of our displaced reality which to some extent are inevitable or sounds that are sympathetic with the efficient Cosmos. We have entered the material language of this world of self-sustaining non-casual non-linear sound. Having done so resolving our own casual irony. Consequently the Universe expands not into space less a previous material status, but as space. (Space material need not be a function of dislocation futile and otherwise).The expansion a refining activity, not altering, not linearly dislocating. As such not dematerializing… an infinite self refining continuity. The Universe is it’s own response. The Universe is aware.

-Non-linear accommodations-

Initial insights suggested by DNAsound and resonant time displacement.

…Why is everyone taking the same aspirin when this medication can be made sound intimate to the individual?  Efforts to assess and treat these parameters (disease relevant to cure) linearly acknowledges the material essence of the disease as a displacing-casual process reinforcing the human conflicted irony in a non-localized Universe that is without defining duality. But in a non-casual spontaneous world the cure is the disease. Both are relevant concerns excluded by current perceptual linear dispositions. Particularly when death is no longer materially abhorrent. Consider Further: (The viral-bacterial status of a hospital can be identified as an ideal DNAs any variance can be easily determined and adjusted. The same principal applies to effecting security at an airport)…. Through relevant and revealing  un displaced DNAsound the “healing” approaches an inclusive evolving absolute. Seemingly as far as the immediate patient is concerned diagnoses becomes resolution. The same protocols (refining spontaneity verses displacing casual irony) apply to technology, economy, information… Noting the practical linear inference is that often the source is not origin to itself. Therefore harmonically engaging the HIV virus with a polar opposite sound or relevant sound assimilation might not be the answer since the essential source or nature of this virus is not itself, but rather a process culminating as the disease event. Meaning that resolving the virus in individuals is plausible, but as a planetary presence possibly not…the virus might adapt to a different related- unrelated status condition. We are also discussing non-localized material formulation). Identifying sources would allow the actualizing the appropriate DNAsound and provide an abundance of information. Humans are disposed to solving a problem once the vagrancy is experienced and consequently identified. (We tend to deal with inconsistency or failure as elemental to the research protocol and design plan accordingly. A car is not complete in it’s design function utility unless it can crash. Casual temporal linearity  inevitably compels this activity result). Unquestionably a limited protocol. Through DNAs (non-casual assimilation of information) the substance and nature of a problem can be clearly anticipated as the event. Whether this be the drug use. The discharge of a military missile. Departure and destination is one event, Not factoring human foible. Motive and intent the same. Examples are criminality of a person. Though any subjective intervention would require consent that is functionally intrinsic to DNAs. Non-consent (is) displacement factoring linearity-rendering DNAs other than feasible. Trying to artificially create consent would suggest an ironic sequential element to the self relevant all-inclusive DNAs.  We are discussing a process-presence more subtle and profound than the genetic make up of an individual. Indeed the difference is beyond measurement given that measuring is a linear-casual effect.(Response becomes assessment). A compatible (not casual) spherical bond that is emergent. Accordingly reciprocally attuned. The exact nature of the spontaneous assimilation we would be able to experience, but not influence. We would initiate but not determine. As it is now anticipation becomes consequence, but decidedly more efficient. Failure is redefined.…

Though the singular life form would be represented through a unique DNAsound given the composite-inter active nature of form material, its DNAs could be fragmented into relevantly specific sounds or DNAs. This is true of all material whatever its status. A few examples: The aging process. Presently aging leads to and culminates in death. Aging is a depletion-completion activity condition that is intrinsic to material linearity experienced through diminishing time. But if the material value of death is no longer dysfunctional-aging like disease is  redefined. Aging alterations to individuals basic DNAs can they be identified as a distinct DNAsound and reversed while the individual meditates or sleeps minimizing infirmity and aging. (The aging DNAs both organic and environmental. An absorbent organic acoustic pad can be warned that will register all the distinctly adverse sounds-some unique to the individual- experienced during the day)…. The same cancer. Much easier resolving cancer of the pancreas as a sound through it’s sympathetic DNAsound  (at the exclusion of all other sounds ) than the current invasive degenerative  process that is not intimate to the individual and involves organs not relevant to the presumed disease. In a sense acoustically the cancer becomes its own response. (Infinity can not condone the exclusionary duality of “cure verses disease.” Cancer is not experienced as a disease but as information that transcends the organic localized limits of the individual and the cancer itself…spherically encompassing in nature not linear).(The cancer status predates its material emergence. And is not from this material perspective damaging. Predisposition predates prevention inclination predates both. And at this juncture  we can assume is not only not damaging, but beneficial. Indeed cancer might predate life, the problem might be life's response to cancer...refereed to in a petri dish as “immortality in culture.”) Within this context a grievous result would be displacing and not possible. (Cancer is only terminal if you die. And if death is functionally other than currently experienced…there can be no worst result relevant to the individual).

Presumably so sensitive is the suggested non-casual activity that harm to the cancer would suggest harm to the individual. Further is it likely that cancer, bacteria, virus have their own acquiring memories irrespective of time and space and are adapting to the abrasive linear incursions suggested by modern medicine like antibiotics which as a matter of process are losing their effectiveness. Allowing the fewer words. Kindness to either the cancer of the person is kindness to both.
DNAs coded jewelry  changes color, shape and texture relevant to the conversation), art, music change form relevant to the  participant witness. The same your sleepiong bed.
…. The same a specific capacity or behavior assuming consent otherwise displacement ensues. (ie). Improving skills in all relevant regard through DNAs, like flying an airplane, playing a piano, digestion, meditation, love making. Interstellar travel becomes feasible when destination and departure are resolved as a non-linear spontaneous one. An accommodation suggested by a Quantum Corridor. Gravity is accordingly accommodated since gravity no longer factors as the inverse proportionality between two  di9splacing objects relevant to the squared distance between them.

A recent study at Princeton University: A machine was designed with a fifty percent probability one of two results. Like tossing a coin. These researchers realized that who engaged the machine influenced the probability. Further determined that two individuals who  “were resonant to each other” affected the probability by an appreciable factor. Appreciating to understand that the all-inclusive Light includes the displaced notion of machine or technology. This study correlates with the aforementioned studies including the Super String Theory and the patterned cohesion of logic suggested by this paper. And further suggests that the human even when displaced through technology remains compatible to an acquiring memory of which the human has no knowledge or influence. Currently technology is an ironic reflection of the conflicted-Cosmically displaced human. In a non-casual non-displacing world the machine, the task and the anticipated result are virtually interchangeable-approaching spontaneity. If not in engineering certainly in result.
Presently the designed utility of your car is not complete unless you can crash on the way home. And the vehicle can not be  disposed of “junked” as intended  unless it is properly maintained. A home is not ready for occupancy unless it can burn down....We are organically dependent on form; a sublimation of this materiality is inescapable. The issue again becomes one of application, of process. The initiating juncture and the concluding result will invariably be form related. The space vehicle will be initiate departure and substantive to arrival or destination, the process of relocation will be entirely different

First draft-a spherical self-sustaining model relevant to psychiatry. A Sphere reflective of others.  Currently this field is elemental to disease linearly adapted. The psychiatric illness or malady is not localized-the entire person is experienced as diseased. A concept that is institutionally, chemically and culturally sublimated and reinforced. So intrinsic is the incongruous dedication to disease that the motivating premise could be reasonably be interpreted as, “you can get better if you stay sick.” A disease is defined as “an invasive and putrefying process.” An inhibiting rational of treatment is carried throughout the reciprocally compromised duration of a person’s life. Involving all the displacing-conflicted vagrancies that certify as essential the flawed irony of self to a futile extreme. Language, the interpersonal inconsistency, the institutional entrapment, chemical intervention, familial irony and motive not always conscious …realized against all the unfathomable variables that result from an effort  “developed” over decades. Insanity is divergent experience that is relevant in its contrast to the norm. It’s resolution as contrast…. Meaning for insanity to be ideally resolved denies-distorts the norm (ie) in the absence of insanity does sanity become ev3en more ironic…therefore self effacing and unproductive.  This science strains the limits of linear neglect. Hope and contempt become the near of interchangeable, yet this experience also testifies to the patience, the kindness and enduring persistence of human beings. Often love knows more disguises than love’s purpose.

Imagine if all these inconsistent protocols, varied self defeating parameters, conscious and unconscious determinations were not fragmented over thirty years, through the foible of memory, family and the debilitating indulgences of disease; but rather all these elements could be assigned… a designed evolving multiple coefficient DNAs that are spherically nurtured and developed against a norm actualized through an evolving wealth of relevant and revealing factors unique to the individual (one of which identifies the DNAs of the individual as perspective presence without disease)… all these non-linearly developing  factors in their final formulary become a non- displacing DNAs language totally unique to it’s source input. A non-verbal language format that is exclusive to that which defines the individual as a functioning protocol. Both in substance and process. A language whose verbally reflective non-linear design is more spontaneous in its effect than one of long term causation based on the sincere improbability of disease model that is relevant as failure sustained through designed limitation. A language-communication experience whose evolving-consistent-un conflicted totality would be affected in the immediate. And be further influenced by the evolving immediacy of self.  A non-linear language, once designed as intact DNAs, would automatically translate current communication to its idealized formulation…a shared personalized artificial intelligence whose nature as DNA realized as sound would not be mechanized but more within the formulary or an organic cloning of information. Appreciating that all material in he Universe is life unless ironically altered by the human. A new language whose evolving structure would be based on the detailed consistent- inconsistent history (past-current-anticipated) as provided by varied sources and methods…. A spherical matrix sustained as designed while cultivating and responding to the immediate human experience. Appreciating that the suggested DNAs language like all material could be converted into different formats to facilitate understanding by family, the patient or the staff. (Each bringing a different perspective to this evolving experience). A panorama of sound converted into imagery is one example…. This spherical model would be so consistent that once engaged and responsively sustaining it would create its own harmonic junctures beyond the anticipation of the humans involved. (Suggested previously, as the reversal of the Quantum Riddle, but this element would also occur within the linear manifest). Reminding we are discussing a material representation more relevant and expressive of the human than their genetic code. Noting a baby is born without language, choice, free of institutional-interpersonal dilemma…this variance can particularly relevant to the troubled human as a refining reference juncture or axis. This entire formulation becomes not an ambiguous esthetic intellectual niche sustained within the limits of language and memory over years, but an exacting active self perpetuating “entity”…a contained design that is not dependant on inconsistent ironic causality (ie) thinking to sustain its non-linear integrity.  The design formula in question would likely be sustained as a “non-linear computer.” (Another essay). Understanding we are in the functional midst of inferred timelessness, minimizing casual inter active fragmentation beyond perception but not beyond valuation. The past becomes less displaced more consistently referable and can be tested against the current self (ie troubled individual) to create viable perspective in terms of understanding the past and giving credence and viability to “future plans.” This parameter or protocol need not be limited to one linear option. Further this parameter can be developed and accordingly assessed when “significant other” individuals are introduced into the dynamic. The spherical entity can be correlated and measured with or against the conscious impressions of doctor and patient. This concept or formulation might appear cumbersome and vague, but understand  its nature and potential would be experienced-assessed through a new and more efficient language design. Given the non-linear or spherical spontaneous nature of this uninterrupted formulation its personalized-detailed information could be expressed through any medium compatible to the senses. And sensual information would not only be less time-linear sensitive, less defused and inconsistent, but also sensually conjoined. Sight, vision, sound becomes a singular intact sensation. Humans capacity for intuition, memory and the like of coincidence suggests compatibility with such spherical unfragmented sensations.

…When human dignity is experienced as its own sustaining ironic value rather than as a reliant contrast to unkindness, contempt and disease-the human self becomes evidenced more by love than forgiveness.

…What evidence suggest timeless non linear compatibility…

..Non-liner-spontaneous events once realized are immediately denied to the linear self.

…. What evidence is there of “the Light” in our lives. (These events do not originate from a human or machine, they do not reference preexisting knowledge. And i9nteresingly they happen to one person suggesting “silence.” The current limited reference speaks to luck, coincidence, spontaneous remission, intuition, the precognitions, sleep, the presumption of birth and death The exact juncture at which a human falls asleep is not casually-willfully determined therefore sleep is a function of the Light. Sleep is spherical not linear.

While meditating you are not language displaced, not dislocated to institution, without motion, relevant as silent. Meditation is an issue of presences not process. Potentially spontaneous not linearly sequential. Hence spherical not consequent to distance or separation. And as such potentially assuming-resolving of the linear irony.

Understanding to comprehend these Light sensations are not conversantly reciprocal. Conversant languages are two way realizations once experienced become even more displaced, flawed and inconsistent. Indeed the designed limit of language is  its expression. Currently we cannot have a sustained intuitive conversation. All these realizations we are examining are non-linear no-casual Light manifests .Noting when two individuals can identify a common (meditative sound) two can mediate (meditate) in the harmony as one.

Appreciating all linear skills are learned contrary to the status of the birth child. Humans are born Light affluent. Without language, incapable of linear choice, not aware of death, not bonded to institution, not time relevant, the baby’s relationship with God is not one of  linear instruction, but one of Being…. A baby is born not linearly functional, not separate from the infinite Eternal Light.(The human body is non-linear). The same distinctions can be made about the conception of death  giving further credence that death is not a dematerializing effect, but other materializing Light affluent. Birth and death are two self-defining material events that are not self-chosen. (Birth and death are both non-linearly disposed).  Interestingly allowing that the  status of death assimilation is akin to uni9nterupted DNAsound otherwise experienced as decay. A baby responds to favorable music prior to any instruction presumed linear awareness.

There must be a better way to end your life than dying. (Death not limited to a human form, the melted glacier, the invalidated concept, the forgotten memory, wilted flower, the validated concept such as death). In the absence of time ironic causality … form becomes an issuance of the Light. The casual linear link between length, width and depth is absolved. (When form is no longer time functional- causality, duality, displacement, linearity no longer abide…form becomes an issuance of un displacing Light not based on ironic dematerializing. The 3 dimensions yield to the fourth). Infinity reasserts. Accepting that death is not time active…not time engaging death (and life) are no longer a causally displacing function of form, not linear …death is a functional issuance of the Light. Accepting that the Universe is inescapably infinite what escape is death, life the same. Death is no longer an issue of decay and dematerializing, but of other- materializing. (This dynamic speaks to all form).Death is other than life, accordingly does not death unfold beyond the sway of life’s reasons. (Can’t know the flavor without the taste).When an earth person assumes the active status of a corpse, they emit uninterrupted DNAs (the sound motion decay of one’s genetics structure). When a human “dies” they don’t go to Heaven. Going speaks to process dislocation, displacement that would make death time relevant and reinforce our separation from the Cosmos (one all inclusive whole) of which we are resident and emerging. You don’t go to Heaven you stay in Heaven. We are resident of the Eternal Heavenly Cosmos. Not separate and accordingly denying. You don’t walk through Pearly Gates, stepping onto streets paved with Gold or in the case of our Moslem brothers and sisters-greeted by seventy virgins…the gates, streets, virgins are casual-fragmenting-i9nter active forms the active nature would negate the all-inclusive un bordered Light ( ironic transacting form fragmenting borders). Yet all is material except time. A person chooses the path of self. One question abides its own garden, how Universe compatible is your purpose. When all is said God decides. Aspiring we continue somewhat discontinued. Upon timeless death form is assumed by and as the Light.  Upon death you become Heaven…. The uninterrupted-all distinguishing  Light from whence you came. Same the same the hummingbirds, elephants, the flowers, river’s valley, the dinosaurs, ideas, perce3tptions All...the reciprocal refining conversant awe.

… Comprehending whereas there is no death there is extinction. Once a God species becomes extinguished, yielding to their accrued darkness, the spherical Light-sound communion (carnatio0nal flutter) has been severed. “ The day the music died.” The darkness prevails the Light. Note dark matter has no frequency, therefore any sound or vibration. Perhaps the one memory function of dark matter is to deny the memory of the Light. Extinction…the death of death.

The determined grasp of these words are a continuing valuation of their own inference. Their potential is in their flaws. And the reader’s response. Appreciating that in the Light these conceptions are as much the reader’s as they presently might be the writer’s. Otherwise displacement ensues-irony prevails. Status prior to the fact suggests a world beyond linear expression, but not beyond our benefit.

                                                            an epilogue 

Allowing the clarifying brevity of a metaphor. According to several historical sources  some native residents who saw Christopher Columbus's three ships had difficulty integrating the images because they had  no visual experience that  would allow the composite perceptions. Also the natives did not have the language to explain the massive ships, the bearded men with metal head gear-weaponry and those beautiful horses.

Do we not have the same limitation with extra terrestrials. Thousands of sightings that can only be incorporated into our science fiction. We have nothing in our collective perceptual culture that would allow an explanation of the sightings therefore belief. But why haven’t these terrestrial travelers engaged us in some apparent manner. Consider this perspective: We are linear beings, they appear to be non-linear as we understand the distinctions. Their ability to navigate vast distances suggest a resonant  (non-linear) technology (ie) being able to resolve distance beyond the dislocation of departure and destination in a much more efficient almost spontaneous way. Also the witness accounts as depicted by artists evidence lips that appear not to be  malleable therefore do not form incremental word patterns. Suggesting communication that is intuitive, spontaneous in nature not linearly time imbued. These proposed evolved organic conditions  speak to a  perceptual ability, a brain capacity that is multi-directional. And simultaneously reciprocal. They can converse, perceive, interpret and decide almost instantaneously. This would include their technology. Such a spherical-spontaneous orientation suggests a perceptual language therefore a being of self that is not secured through essential  inconsistency and the  opposition-denial evidenced when a person is harmed rather than loved.....The terrestrial beings depicted substantial  brain capacity would infer these and other skills. Likely demonstrating precognitive-healing skills that exceed our own which are  flawed, incomplete and limited to a few indivduals.                      

The compelling-tragic way  through which the earth people  resolve the opposition relevant to timely linearity is war. Our exclusionary technologies, economies and religions are reliant on self designing  material events that culminate as disposable non-directional junctures that are individual and collective. We are a death culture willing to destroy life purpose in order to sustain life. Obviously a profound contradiction. Given the spontaneous disposition of the extra terrestrials it is reasonable to assume they view and experience death therefore life differently than we do. Spontaneity defined as everywhere always at once “without distinction” is a timeless a non-linear prerogative. The other terrestrial beings  likely have transcended beyond the irony of war and would be afraid of us.

Such  perceptual spontaneous values realize the Eternal as a living  experience.                      


Essays, Glimpses & Consequentials


Dr. Wisman and the Light

Formation iNi

Origin Source


Ageless Sound Two

Evolving Collective Assimilation

Initial inference assimilation

Word Silence

Ageless Sound Five

Meditating Sphere

Psychiatric Spere

Inclusion Spherical

Wind Gravity


The Room

Joan Costello and the Sphere

Ageless Buddhist

Displacement Frequency

Wemo Adora

Graduate Divine

Intergalactic Earth Ironies


Eric's Musical Spere

Ageless Curtis

Ageless Isabella

Noam Chomsky and the Light

Destruction a Linear Event

Missing Canvas

Corresponding Memory

Ageless Kelly and Lori

Leaves Fall Rising

Duplicate Universe

Ageless Ladies Two

Ageless Rainbow

Credit Card Sphere

Prison Sphere

Prairie Schooner and the Light

Life Insurance Sphere

O's Cancer


Ageless Rodney We Love You

Ageless Tammy

O 4th Dimensions

Pneumatic Resonance

Resonant Linear Assimilation


An Opening

Tier Assimilation

Light fully Elaine

Assassinations Opiates
Nuclear War

Non Linear Machine

All There Is Is All There Is

Echo's response "Concurrence"



Acabamos Manana Empezamos Hoy


Chaos Theory Completed


Design by MJP Design Concepts